The Why behind the Me

I haven’t been writing a lot and the goal of keeping this blog going is one that I almost gave up.

On the flight back from Switzerland, I met a guy who thought a lot like me. He knew all about the Seth Godin stuff, was very into self-development, cold-showers, meditation, and all those habits that I’ve sought to build. He has decided to drop his job, write a book and become a life coach. After sharing my thoughts, he said: “you should write a book”. My response was: “I’m not ready, I haven’t found the answer to the question: Why me?

So, why me? Why are the things that I have to say meaningful and worth sharing?

Nothing of what I’ve ever said here is true. But none of it is a lie either. It is nothing but a recording of what was true at the moment I wrote it, for the person that I was at the time of writing.

So, what is my Why?

It’s the Me.

I recognize and accept that nothing that I say here, will ever be a perfect and concrete recipe for happiness and equanimity. Not for you, much less for myself.

And this mindset is what makes me think that I’ve grown. That I’ve come a long ways from that rather naive girl who sough to always do the “right thing” and to find a perfect recipe to happiness and equanimity.

It’s rather ironic that it’s only when I let go of searching for these things, that I began to make real progress towards them.

Therefore, I don’t expect anything that I share here to work for everyone all the time. But if it’s working for me now, in this moment, if this is the “best” that I have defined for myself right now, chances are, it could be for you too.

Thank you for reading! 

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On Decisions

Decisions are a tricky thing and most of the time, we don’t realize just how many decisions we make on a day to day basis.

The Why behind the Me

I haven’t been writing a lot and the goal of keeping this blog going is one that I almost gave up. On the flight back

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